Advantages of Autonomous Cars
Cars that do not necessarily need an active driver are called the autonomous cars. |They can sense the environment around them without human assistance. They are also known as driver-less car or self-driven cars. It can use the different ways such as GPS, radar, laser light, odometer and computer vision to detect things in their surrounding due to their advanced control system and sensory capacity. Here are some of the benefits of having autonomous vehicles over to human driven cars.
Autonomous cars can control road accidents since they can smell accidents. Most of the road accidents are always cost by human error may be due to their improper timing of the car in front of them, behind and objects that are around them and even drunk drivers. Human beings do cause several accidents due to their slow reaction to objects in front of them, behind them and the objects around them. Autonomous cars can apply brakes even if the driver’s foot is not on them after they sense that there is an object around them that can cause the accident. They are able to sense and react faster unlike people who will still require space to act which will be too late thus making them even suitable to b moved by drunk drivers. Even if the drivers foot is not on the brakes autonomous cars can detect accidents and start braking automatically.
Self driven cars don’t hit. They have automatic road edge/barrier detection that helps you to automatically steer back on track if you started driving off the road. Fatigued or drunk drivers can drive self-driven cars safely without a single accident. Autonomous cars give the driver opportunity to text, drink and even make a phone call while driving since they control themselves.
They environmental friendly. non Automated vehicles use fuels such as diesel and gasoline that when burned produces smoke and toxic gases. The toxic gases and smoke produced will contaminate the air, and they are also dangerous to live organisms. The the risk of polluting the environment is reduced by self-driven cars since they use electricity which does not pollute the environment and is not harmful to living things.
They help in development of the economy. Since they can move faster and escape the traffic easily, they will make a lot of money within a short period. A lot of money is going to change people’s way of life thus boosting country’s economy.
They can move faster with the help of queue assist. Cars are always stacked on the traffic jam where one driver stop and others will a follow him, and this wastes a lot of time. In a road where all the autonomous cars are found traffic jam will not be a problem as they will move in right places and escape the jam.