The Benefit of Investing in Films
Are you aware that the films are a great investment opportunity? Surely, they are for the right type of investor. Here are the reasons that you need to know.
For various investors, the high return is surely attractive since the films have such potential for a big return but there is a big risk with a lot of ifs.The film may do well when such comes with good production, good acting, a good scrip and when this has a budget which suits the type of film and such strikes the chord with the distributors or the buyers for DVD, TV, the foreign rights and also other markets too. If the film would go into theatrical release, this comes with the potential to get a much bigger audience though the theatrical is not the main income source for most films just like those big blockbusters, due to the reasons that the theater owners would take 75 percent of the box office unless such film would go into a long-term release and there is that big cost for prints even if a lot of the theaters have gone digital. The value of the theatrical release is actually more for promotional value to get other kinds of sales except for the big blockbusters.
Even with such potential to obtain a high return for some films, the investors who are there for the money must understand that any film investment is really a huge risk since there are many problems that can happen from the production of the film to its release and distribution. Such risks would actually include the film not getting completed since this has gone over its budget and this isn’t able to get more financing or there are issues on the set. Moreover, a risk is that the film is not well-received by the TV buyers as well as distributors so this is not picked up.
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For the investors out there, there are other important reasons for making such investment. They actually believe in the message of the film. They like as well as support the film producers, the crew and cast. They like such glamour of getting involved with a film that includes meeting the stars and also going to the film festivals. They actually see their investment as a chance to travel to other places for filming and film promotion.
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When things turn out good and the film is well-received by the audience, the such could get four to ten times its cost and this will definitely make everybody really happy. The low-budget indie film might be shot for $50,000 to a couple hundred thousand dollars and such could get $500,000 to $750,000 for the TV sale and get to earn a million more through streaming, DVD and the foreign rights sales.