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Some of the Best Summer Skin Care Tips The first step should be selecting the right sunscreen. Having a sun screen during summer is a necessity as it is going to protect your skin from sun burn. Due to strong ultra violet rays your skin can be damaged and look ugly. Because of the dangers of strong ultra violet rays, you are advised to buy a sun screen with high sun protection capacity. Apart from that you should make sure that you use them on a daily basis. It is advisable that if you don’t know how to select the right sun screen you should visit a dermatologist to recommend one for you. From 11 am to 2 pm you are not supposed to be moving out. This is because during these periods there are strong ultra violet rays that can damage your skin. But in case you have to go out it is recommended that you use your sun screen.
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Another measure that you should take is to apply sun screen lotion. As a result, it will prevent your skin from being burned by the sun. You should do this something forty minutes before you move out so that your skin can absorb it. To take care of the dry lips you should carry your lip balm with you. Primarily, during the summer there is a strong sun that can make your lip to dry and start cracking. As a result you will suffer from irritation. It is therefore recommended that you apply a lip balm to maintain the moisture in your lips making it be soft. Taking herbal bath is also another summer skin care tip for maintaining your skin. This type of bath involves the application of a mixture of medicinal herbs and water making it special. This is indeed one of the special types of baths as it is going to keep your skin strong and healthy even during bad weather. Another thing that you can use is a moisturizer. Moisturizer generally will help in preventing your skin from drying up as a result of the strong sun. As a result your skin will come soft and oily making it free from irritation. Apart from that you should also carry an umbrella or a hat. As a result the umbrella and a hut are going to prevent your skin from dangerous ultra violet rays. Not only that but you should also make sure that the umbrella and hut is big enough to prevent the dangerous ultra violet rays. This is because, direct sunlight is dangerous as it may make your skin to turn black and become dry this is because it interferes with the production of hormones that are responsible for maintaining the texture of the skin. Another thing that you should do is drink a lot of water. It will help in keeping the water in your body intact.